General Meeting Information
Date: February 24,
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:30 Call to Order
A - Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:30-2:35 Roll Call
I/D/A - Maliah Kenoly (Secretary)
2:35-2:40 Public Comments
I/D All 2:40-2:45 Advisor Announcements
I/D Advisors 2:45-2:46 Short Check-In:
If your current mood were an emoji, what would it be? Drop it in the chat!
Time: 1 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
2:46-2:50 Business Item 1
Committee Updates
This item is to provide updates on all committees, with a focus on the progress of intern recruitment.
Time: 4 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
2:50-2:55 Business Item 1
SACNAS Club Late Application Review
This item is to review the late application of SACNAS Club and determine whether it should be approved despite the missed deadline.
Time: 5 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
2:55-3:00 Business Item 3
Skate Club Late Application Review
This item is to discuss the late application of Skate Club and decide if approval should be granted.
Time: 5 min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
3:00-3:10 Business Item 4
ICC Scholarship Discussion
This item is to discuss the proposed reduction in the number of ICC scholarships, as suggested by DASG Senate and mentors, and evaluate its potential impact.
Time: 10min
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
3:10-3:25 Business Item 2
New/Reactivated Club Applications
This item is to review new club applications, provide feedback, and decide on approval and next steps.
Time: 15 min
- Maritza Arreola (Advisor)
- Elizabeth Tsai (Chair of Club Affairs)
3:25-3:30 Public Comments
All 3:30 Adjournment
- Jin Huang (Chairperson)
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Jin called the meeting to order at 2:42 pm.
Roll Call
First Name Last Name Position Present (In Person) Present (Virtual) Late Absent Excused Jin Huang Chairperson x Kaung Lett Yhone ICC Chair of Equity x Cecilia Ji x Amelia Oo x Audrey Stanly x Dinara Usonova x Elizabeth Tsai x Allison Trinh x Eric Nguyen x Dicano Darren Liong Intern x Ethan Nguyen Intern x Vincent Shao Intern x Nam Nguyen Intern x Peter Ramos Intern x Melody Zhang Intern x Khant Naing Intern x Phoo Yamhon Intern x
Public Comments
- DASG Chairperson elections taking place; ICC Candidates will be present at the next rep meeting on 2/26.
Advisor Announcements
- Encourage candidates to attend debate session tomorrow;
- Shift in how scholarship reviews will be done; committees will be established for scholarship reviews.
Business Item 1
Committee Updates
- Finance Committee Meeting this Thursday at 5:30 PM via zoom: Zoom Link
- Marketing Committee - No updates.
- Programs Committee - Onboarding new interns; collab with Kaung and DASG for Cultural Day.
Business Item 2
New/Reactivated Club Applications
- Club submitted the application materials past the deadline.
- Cecilia motioned to review SACNAS application; motion failed.
- Cecilia motioned to review the SACNAS club application.
- Amelia seconded the motion, no objections; motion passed.
- Skate Club
- Submitted constitution in fall quarter; late application was submitted on the day of the deadline.
- Amelia motioned to review the Skate Club application.
- Cecilia seconded the motion, no objections; Kaung objected.
Vote to consider skate club for application review for winter quarter First Name Last Name Excused Jin Huang - Kaung Lett Yhone Reject Cecilia Ji Approve Amelia Oo Reject Audrey Stanly Reject Dinara Usonova - Elizabeth Tsai Reject Allison Trinh Reject Eric Nguyen Reject Skate club application will be reviewed in the spring quarter; motion failed.
Business Item 3
ICC Scholarship Discussion
- To ICC Chairs - Please attend the next DASG Senate meeting on 2/26 to support in providing more information about the ICC Chair positions and their duties.
Business Item 4
New/Reactivated Club Applications
De Anza Tennis Club
- Kaung motioned to approve the de anza tennis club.
- Dinara seconded the motion, no objections (motion passed).
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery- Maritza will reach out to the advisor to get clarity on which clubs they are officially advising.
- Application tabled to next meeting; no objections.
De Anza Creative Writing- Kaung motioned to approve; Audrey seconded the motion, no objections.
DA Athletics Stats Club- Amelia motioned to reject the club application.
- Elizabeth seconded the motion, no objections
- Club app rejected due to already existing math related clubs on campus.
International Student Connections (Reactivation)- Can only have 1 marketing position; need to revise the constitution.
- Kaung motioned to approve the ISC club; Amelia seconded the motion; no objections.
Public Comments
- Maliah: Sent calendar invite for this week's senate meeting from 4pm-6pm for the ICC Chairs to attend.
- Adjourned at 3:54 pm.