General Meeting Information

Date: October 6, 2022
Time: 1:30-3 p.m.
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30-1:35 p.m. Welcome and introductions, including new DASG representatives I/D All
    1:35-1:40 p.m. Approval of minutes I/D/A All
    1:40-1:45 p.m. Mode for future Tech Committee meetings I Tri-chairs
    1:45-1:55 p.m. Update on temporary change in web administrator role; update on tri-chair composition I Tri-chairs
    1:55-2:05 p.m. Website improvements and updates — catalog I/D Harrell
    2:05-2:20 p.m. Accreditation process and ISER overview I Tri-chairs
    2:20-2:45 p.m. Tech Plan updates I/D All
    2:45-3 p.m.

    Standing updates

    • Accessibility
    • Banner Student
    • ETS
    • ETS Project Scheduling
    • Online Education Advisory Committee



    • All
    • Harrell
    • Hadsell
    • Grey
    • Ray/Garrido

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]


    Stephanie Anderson, Ray Brennan, Francis Chan, Juan Diaz, Jory Hadsell, Alex Harrell (tri-chair), Brandon Gainer, David Garrido, Shri Lakshmanan, Sharon Luciw, Cheryl Owiesny, Mary Pape (tri-chair), Thomas Ray, Eren Sanglam, Iman Seale (notes), Dennis Shannakian, Marisa Spatafore (tri-chair)

    Welcome and introductions, including new DASG representatives

    Continuing members of the committee and the new DASG reps introduced themselves to one another.

    Approval of minutes

    Lakshmanan noted a correction is needed for an accomplishment listed in Goal 3 of Tech Plan updates — should say “redesign of dedicated classroom space.” Other than this and correction of a small typo, minutes were approved.

    Mode for future Tech Committee meetings

    The tri-chairs proposed that the Tech Committee continue to meet via Zoom moving forward. Members were in agreement with this proposal.

    Update on temporary change in web administrator role

    Harrell shared that he will be on staff development leave for 10 months starting Nov. 1, 2022. He will be working on certifications and learning related to accessibility and back-end analytics. Spatafore noted that the projects that Harrell will be working on are integral to his everyday work as web administrator. Spatafore added that Diaz will be reclassified as web administrator during Harrell’s leave. With Harrell away, Shannakian will step in as the new classified tri-chair.

    Website improvements and updates

    Harrell shared the 2022-23 catalog draft, created through eLumen, with committee members. The new format includes features such as embedded videos. This catalog is also integrated with curriculum back-end processes, so changes and updates can easily be made to the catalog. Ray added that the new format is the culmination of two years of work by the curriculum team to transfer courses over to this system. Spatafore shared that the final version will likely be approved and published within the next week or two. Student reps suggested that the number of units be added to the overview course listings pages so this information is visible without having to click on each course listing.

    Accreditation process and ISER overview

    Spatafore provided an overview of upcoming steps in the accreditation process. Committee members had a chance to view the timeline for the ISER. Standard III is of particular interest to the committee as section C, Technology Resources, is assigned to the Tech Committee. Spatafore also discussed the resources available for completing Standard III, Section C in OneDrive, provided by Mallory Newell.

    After first checking whether there were any other volunteers to write the draft, Spatafore and Pape said they would collaborate as lead writers to complete the Tech Committee’s portion of the ISER. Shannakian offered to help.

    Tech Plan updates

    Goal Description Accomplishments
    Goal 1: Increase Overall Student Access to Technology for Learning and Services Includes but not limited to the provision of laptops for students, and other devices as necessary; software and software as a service (SAAS) as appropriate, both required and that would enhance the student experience; continuous technical improvement of communications resources including the website, app and portal; and classroom equipment to support student learning and engagement in evolving modalities, with classroom needs documented through updated classroom standards, program review and the Facilities Condition Assessment
    • Updated catalog, which will published soon, will improve access (Spatafore, Harrell)
    • Harrell has also been tracking analytics for the course packaging approach to to analyze how well the pilot performed. He anticipates having the data/findings in a week or two.
    • Computer science labs have been switched over to VDI to improve the process of updating the devices (Pape).
    • Ongoing WiFi updates (Harrell)
    • Library has increased number of technology of tools that can be checked out, and increased length of time that certain tech items can be checked out (e.g. quarter-long loans of iPads for students) (Ray)
    • Large refresh of technology on campus over summer and as more people return to campus (Hadsell)
    Goal 2: Increase and Enhance Faculty and Staff Professional Development and Training Includes but not limited to robust training and related communication about the trainings based on faculty and classified professional feedback, including to holistically improve online pedagogy and pedagogy in the use of technology tools, including in evolving modalities and accessibility training
    • Ray shared that there is currently a search for four positions — faculty coordinator for equity, dean, two instructional designers — in Online Ed. The search will close this fall and upon filling these positions, the Online Education Advisory Group will reconvene and there will be more support for tech training on campus.
    Goal 3: Continue Work to Ensure Accessibility Includes but not limited to implementation of SAAS to support an equitable teaching and learning environment; researching strategies and emerging technologies and implementing as appropriate; ongoing ensuring of accessibility in instructional and communications tools
    • Harrell, as web administrator, is taking professional development leave to improve knowledge and skillset with web accessibility
    • Updates to assistive technology stations and computer labs
    Goal 4: Enhance Communication and Collaboration with ETS to Achieve Evolving Priority College Objectives

    Strategy to include monthly small-group meetings of Tech Committee and ETS leadership, with updates as requested, on college-identified priorities including but not limited to

    • Ubiquitous, functioning Wi-Fi, including on Athletics fields and in parking lots
    • Upgraded technology for employees, including shorter personal technology refresh cycle of three years, as appropriate
    • Improving communication, including of system and software availability and changes
    • Development and support of peripheral loan program to address additional needs, such as doc cams, iPads for whiteboards, etc.
    • College-identified projects that
      • Directly affect student success or the student experience, particularly timely requests via expert administrators
      • Address regulatory issues
    • Spatafore suggested to Hadsell commencing monthly small-group meetings with ETS soon
    • Ongoing improvements to WiFi expansion
    • Spatafore also suggested wider provisioning of email accounts
    • ETS is streamlining IT request process for better visibility and ease of use
    • Multifactor authentication has rolled out to non-faculty employees

    Standing updates


    The computer accessibility lab in the ATC has been updated along with tech accessibility stations in the Library. (Lakshmanan)

    Banner Student

    There’s ongoing work in rolling out Banner 9. (Harrell)

    ETS is partnering with Ellucian to integrate with CCCApply. (Hadsell)

    The photo ID card system is being updated by moving the printing portion of the ID system to the cloud (Phase I). Phase II involves VTA cards being added to cloud system. Phase III will cover employee ID cards. This will make the ID card process much more efficient. (Shannakian). 


    Hadsell provided the following updates from ETS.

    Zoom will force an update for users on Nov. 5. 

    Duo rollout for faculty will be taking place soon, in the first week of November, after census. Multiple communications are set to go out from ETS about this. The rollout will begin with full-time faculty with part-time faculty to follow at some later date after.

    ETS is starting to work on an IT service catalog for employees to illustrate which types of software, technology, etc. is already supported at the district.

    ETS is approaching the end stage of the pre-design phase of the WiFi expansion project. Soon they will move forward with an RFP related to Phase I of the project. Phase I implementation will likely begin in spring.

    ETS is about to undertake an update of Banner HR system as well.

    ETS Project Scheduling

    The group hasn’t met yet for this academic year but is scheduled to meet next week. They are now meeting twice monthly. (Ray)

    Online Education Advisory Group

    The group will resume meeting once the Online Education positions are filled. (Ray)

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