From the President
Follow-Up to the Collegewide Forum on Measure G
Dec. 6, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Thanks to those of you who attended the first quarterly Collegewide Forum, held yesterday on the topic of the Measure G bond. As a follow-up to that meeting, I want to assure you of my support for the arts -- not only as a broad collective, and not only personally. I strongly support students in the Creative Arts Division and the division itself, including those who teach and serve our students, and I support the Artistic Expression Village.
My thanks to Pam Grey and Jennifer Mahato for their work with the campus and district on the bond, and for their presentation yesterday. Intensive planning for the locations of Creative Arts programs has been underway for many months. We will receive updated estimated costs for relocation later in December, and by the end of January, should have sufficient information about current and planned space usage to determine the location of Creative Arts programs during the "MegaProject" construction period. At the same time, we will be working toward a decision about where Creative Arts will be permanently located.
All of this will continue to occur in consultation with the dean and, through him, division representatives. In addition, early in winter quarter, I look forward to holding a meeting with all faculty and classified professionals in the Creative Arts Division in order to answer as many questions as possible.
As a reminder, updates on Measure G will be posted at deanza.edu/measure-g.
With appreciation,