Select your Division Enter the name of your department Enter the name of the course. For example, MATH 22 Enter SLO Statement As it appears on the Course Outline of Record Academic Year Quarter of Assessment Modality of class Method of Assessment Elaborate on Assessment Method Number of students exceeding expectations Number of students meeting expectations Number of students approaching expectations Number of students who do not meet this outcome N/A Not Applicable (withdrew, absent, ...) Reflection Enhancement/Action
Intercultural/International Studies Intercultural Studies ICS/Comm 7 Explain and analyze culture and communication as both affect intercultural interactions, particularly stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. 2021-2022 Winter Online with at least some synchronous hours Exam � Course Test/Quiz Each of 3 exams were short essay. Students were asked to write on five of ten topics, nearly all of which dealt in some form or another with how culture and communication impacted intercultural communication. 50 30 18 3 7 Students did very well. The exams were take home and relatively stressed free. Still I was impressed with how well they related culture and communications theory as expressed in the textbook and the lecture and their impact on intercultural communication. None
Intercultural/International Studies Asian American and Asian Studies ASAM 1: Asian American Experiences Past to Present v Engage in an Asian Pacific American community-related activity.
2021-2022 Fall Online - Asynchronous Demonstration The assessment method for this SLO is based on an ethnographic essay that requires participant observation at an Asian American community event. 36 3 6 3 1 Students who do not meet expectations generally do not include the required elements of the ethnographic essay assignment. specifically, they primarily do not address the assignment prompt in full or do not select an appropriate community event to observe for the purposes of the assignment. One possible idea to try out is to break down the assignment into components such that students have to self-report on whether or not they have addressed the prompt in full based on their ethnographic observation.
Intercultural/International Studies Asian American and Asian Studies ASAM 10: Contemporary Asian American Communities Analyze significant issues and events in the contemporary Asian American Pacific Islander community, with an awareness of Asian American history.
2021-2022 Winter Online - Asynchronous Portfolio Review The SLO is assessed based on the submission of eight written assignments, a portfolio, focusing on a variety of topics and current events pertaining to the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. 38 2 0 4 1 The students who do not meet the expectations generally fail to submit all the required written assignments of the portfolio. I suspect that factors outside of the class are usually creating circumstances that make it difficult for these students to complete the assignments. One possible idea is to continue to reach out to students who do not submit an assignment of the portfolio throughout the quarter.
Intercultural/International Studies Asian American and Asian Studies ASAM 11: Asian Americans and Racism Describe and actively engage with an anti-racist issue, practice, and/or movement through community involvement and/or participant observation, and primary and secondary source research to critically review the structural conditions, the possibilities, and the constraints of Asian Americanist struggle for a just and equitable society.�� 2021-2022 Winter Online - Asynchronous Project The SLO is assessed based on the final project of the course, an advocacy infographic that requires components that: 1) identify a current-day, real-life case in which Asian Americans face a racialized problem (the problem); 2)
trace how that racialized problem is dismissed by reactions of disbelief and/or diminishment (the complication); 3)
analyze how the racialized problem takes place and how dismissive reactions complicate the problem for Asian Americans (the dilemma); 4) present a response to the problematic racialization and the dismissive reactions (your response).
26 9 5 0 4 The students who do not meet the expectations generally do not include all the required components of the project. One idea to try out is to create a self-report where students indicate if they have included all required components of the project before submitting the assignment.