Additional Accreditation
A number of De Anza programs have additional accreditation through industry or governmental groups. The webpages for each program contain additional information and can be found in the Workforce Education section of De Anza's website.
Automotive Technology
The program is accredited by the ASE Education Foundation, which can be contacted at 703.669.6650 or 1503 Edwards Ferry Rd., NE, Suite 401, Leesburg, VA 20176.
Health Technologies
The program for Phlebotomy is approved by the Laboratory Field Services section of the California Department of Public Health, which can be contacted at 916.558.1784 or P.O. Box 997377, MS 0500, Sacramento, CA 95899-7377.
Design and Manufacturing Technology
The program is accredited by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), which can be contacted at 703.352.4971 or 10565 Fairfax Boulevard, Suite 10, Fairfax, VA 22030.
Medical Laboratory Technology
The program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Sciences (NAACLS) and is approved by the Laboratory Field Services section of the California Department of Public Health. The NAACLS can be contacted at 847.939.3597 or 5600 N. River Rd. Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018-5119.
Nursing - Associate Degree
The program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), which can be contacted at 916.322.3350 or P.O. Box 944210, Sacramento, CA 94244-2100.
Paralegal Studies
The program is approved by the American Bar Association (ABA), which can be contacted at 202.662.1000 or 1050 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036.